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Next Grading

Sunday 22nd March 2020
Applications due: Thursday 12th

March 202022nd26th

Grading Results - Dec 2019

38 students attended the examination

11 Little Ninjas promotions:

26 Martial Arts promotions:

  • 2 x ‘L’ passes
  • 7 x ‘+’ pass
  • 7 x ‘A’
  • 2 students had both, A, +
  • One student retained their current belt

4 Black Belt Candidates attended for a pre-grading progress check. Whilst these are not technically graded, they each demonstrated an ‘A’ standard as expected of a black belt candidate.

Grading – Sunday 23rd June

A reminder of grading times for Sunday:
– 10:00 Junior beginners
– 11:00 Junior Experienced

– 12:30 All Adults

Grading should finish around 2pm

As always, all students are encouraged to attend to assist and encourage those grading, Black Belts and candidates should always be leading by example!

Please ensure you arrive in plenty of time, as we have a firm rule that if you arrive late for a grading, you will not be permitted to enter the examination.

School Production

Hi team, just a quick diary note:

Everlands have a school production on Tuesday 9th July, so unfortunately we can’t have any classes on that evening.

Little Ninjas will be welcome to attend the junior beginners class on Thursday that week, and the older kids (green belt+) can come to the adult session on Monday 8th if they’d like to get a class in :-)

Apologies for the inconvenience, but obviously this is one of those rare occasions which are beyond our control. They did at least give up plenty of notice this time ;-)

New Beginners

Take a look at this page with some useful information to download just for you guys!

Members Mailing List

The primary method we use to notify members of important information / events is email, so it’s essential that you have at least one email subscribed to the members mailing list.

If you’d like to add another mail to the list, please use the form linked here:

Reporting Absence

If you’re sending us a message to let us know you won’t be in class, firstly thanks – it’s important we know to ensure the register is correct, but please remember you need to do this via phone, text or email only as these are the only things we check at the school.  We don’t check social media etc. at the school so Facebook messages etc. won’t get read. Thanks!

Master Olpin’s mobile is 07973 368304 for text or calls, or you can email

Queries about monthly payments

If you budget your membership via monthly payments please remember that if you have any queries or need to make any changes to bank details you need to do this directly with DFC.

Once they’re set up, DFC handle all the admin and simply send me a report at the end of the month.   That’s exactly what we pay them for so we don’t have to get bogged down with dealing with individual admin for 50-odd students.

You can phone them on 01908 422007 or email them on  

The school reference is 2368 Ilyokwan Black Belt Academy and your reference will be the payee and student name.

Little Ninjas
Junior Martial Arts
Adult Beginners
Message us on WhatsApp!