Happy New Year!
This was originally sent out to the mailing list, but wort a share here too :-)
Hi folks,
We know that as you’re on this page you’ve obviously had an interest in martial arts training at some point, though maybe the time wasn’t right to get started, or hey, maybe you just plain didn’t get around to it. Funny how that happens eh? But, it’s a new year and that’s a great time to begin your journey in the martial arts.
We have students from 5 to 65+ and they’re all loving their training and benefitting in a multitude of different ways. Just take a look at a few of the comments on our website from parents and adult members and you’ll get a sense of just how much they enjoy and value their training at the Academy. We’d love you to join them!
Whatever your reason for training, lets have a chat and get you down to the school to watch a class, then if you’re interested take a few classes as our guest and see how you get on.
No catch, no hard-sell, just a chance to come along and see how rewarding training in the martial arts can be.
We’ve got plenty of spaces available for juniors and new adult members, so if you’re interested in earning more and taking a couple of weeks memberships absolutely free of charge as my special VIP guest then you’ve got nothing to lose in dropping me a reply to this mail right away to simply say “Hey, yes please, I’m interested!” and we’ll get you started right away.
We’re looking forward to helping you kick start your best year ever!