Happy New You 2022!

Hi folks,

I hope you’ve had a fantastic festive season and like us you are looking forward to a positive start to the New Year. I’m sure like most of us you’ve been thinking about those ‘New Years resolutions’, but equally we’re all conditioned
to the idea they just don’t work, right?

How about this year you try something new?

Don’t make resolutions you can’t stick to, instead, just resolve to add a few new simple habits into your lifestyle that you absolutely CAN achieve.   The little things really do add up, and one fundamental principle we aim for is epitomised by the Japanese concept of ‘Kaizen’, which simply means ‘continuous improvement’.  Not through huge step changes, but just by small incremental improvements on a regular basis.

Whether you commit to improve your health with little more exercise, even 5-10 minutes a day will give you meaningful benefits, drinking a bit more water, a short walk after dinner etc.   Perhaps you’d like to work on some of those projects you’ve been putting off around the house, or to get started on that pile of books you’ve been meaning to read etc.   I’m sure you can think of plenty more examples!

What’s all this got to do with martial arts you ask?

Well fundamentally at the Black Belt Academy we’re about personal development in all areas of our lives, and we know that the benefits to our mindset, our confidence, motivation and our whole outlook on life are just some of the benefits which go hand in hand with developing a Black Belt Mindset though the practice of martial arts, and all that of course on top of the obvious benefits to our fitness, mental health, personal safety and so much more..

We have students from 5 to 65+ and they’re all loving their training and benefitting in a multitude of different ways.  Just take a look at a few of the comments here on the website from parents and adult members and you’ll get a sense of just how much they enjoy and value their training at the Academy.

So, now it’s 2022, maybe it’s time for you to give it a go yourself!

We’ve got a very limited number of spaces available for new members this month, and we’d naturally like to prioritise those for those people who’ve enquired in the past, so if you’re interested in earning more and taking a couple of weeks memberships absolutely free of charge as my special VIP guest then you’ve got nothing to lose in dropping me a reply to this mail right away to simply say “Hey, yes please, I’m interested!” and we’ll get you started right away.

I’m looking forward to helping you kick start your best year ever!