Covid-19 hasn’t gone away. And as we know it is still affecting us all in many different ways. However, we are allowed to run our classes again, for which we are all very grateful, but of course we need to be careful to minimise any risk to ourselves and our fellow students.
The following notes are important so please read them carefully
If you feel ill you must not come to class
As always please do not come to the school or bring your child to training if there is any suspicion of Covid-19 symptoms within your household, including;
- Generally feeling unwell
- High temperature
- Persistent coughing or sore throat
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of taste or smell
This is sensible advice for *any* time, not just during this virus pandemic.
If any member of your household has been advised to self-isolate then you must follow all official advice and isolate yourselves for the required 14 day period.
Please do not come to class or bring your child to training if you have recently returned from travelling to any of the areas currently known to be affected by outbreaks of Covid-19/ Coronavirus. Contact your doctor for more information.
Any persons who come to the school showing any symptom of illness (however mild) will be asked to leave. Please help us to avoid this embarrassing situation by heeding the advice given above
Personal Hygiene
In an effort to follow best advice, improve hygiene and reduce the possibility of transmission within our academy, we ask that all members and visitors wash their hands thoroughly upon arrival at the school, as well as continuing to practise good hygiene as one would normally expect for a martial arts practitioner (i.e. shower before and after training, was your uniform after every use, don’t share personal equipment etc).
We will ensure that our training pads/bags are properly cleaned with disinfectant wipes before/after any session when they are used in class.
At the School
- Observe social distancing at all times, both in an outside the premises.
- Please take note of any notices at the school
- Please don’t enter the building until invited to do so and previous classes have left.
- We’ll welcome the students in at the cloakroom door and will ask parents and other visitors to remain outside the school unless they have a specific need to be in class.
- You are of course always welcome to observe classes, but would ask you to maintain strict social distancing if you do need to come in and it will be STRICTLY one adult spectator only, no additional children or any other persons in the hall.
- Wash your hands before & after class, or use hand sanitizer
- We will have a short gap between classes to sanitise contact surfaces such as door handles
- Please remain only in the areas we use for training and avoid contact with any other areas.
During Class
From Monday 12th April 2021 we have moved to what the government refer to as “Step 2′ of their roadmap out of lockdown, and in accordance with the approved ‘Return to Play documents from the British Taekwondo Council and England kickboxing (linked below) along with updated advice from the government website we can resume most of our training activities, with certain strict provisions in place:
- We must still maintain social distancing wherever feasibly possible, so primarily we will be training in-place with markers on the floor for all students to maintain the recommended 2m distancing
- Junior members (under 18) are permitted to do most forms of contact activities, including partner drills, sparring and bad/pad drills.
- Adult members can only train on a strictly individual basis, they are not permitted to do any contact drills with any other participant – except when training with a member of their own household.
- Adults may do limited equipment drills on a 1-1 basis with an instructor providing the instructor wears a mask / gloves, or sanitises hands before / after holding equipment.
- Uniforms should be washed between classes. If this is an issue for you then it is acceptable to wear a PLAIN black or white coloured t-shirt for the second class of the week, but please no ‘fashion’ shirts or fancy designs.
Further Information
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions, and please checkout the NHS website for their currnt advice and updates etc