We are planning a re-vamp of our Student Ambassador program in the new year to give you more options to earn rewards for you loyalty.
I’ll have more news about this at graduation and will do an email over xmas, but basically we’re going to kick off the new year with a new ‘loyalty points’ system which will apply to all students.
Referrals (as per the draw tickets now), you’ll get points simply for the initial referral, but also bonus points if your VIP visits, takes a trial and a big bonus if they actually enrol :-)
Regular attendance – you’ll get a point for every class attended, with a bonus every month for 100% attendance and a BIG bonus for 100% through the whole quarter.
Social Media – get involved on FB/Instagram etc. – Tag us in a post about your training, share the page etc. Anything which helps promote the school will earn points.
- Reviews – leave us a 5* recommendation on FB or other review sites and you’ll earn points
- Testimonials – Give us a nice testimonial for the website and you’ll earn points
- Video Testimonials – If you’re brave enough to give us a nice video testimonial we can use on the site and social media we’ll give you some extra big bonus points!
Get involved with our discussion forum – earn points for getting involved in discussions and projects
- If we get more ideas in the future we’ll add some more options. Hey, if you come up with a great idea to promote the Academy – we’ll give you some bonus points for that too!
I’ll keep a running total on a spread sheet and you’ll be able to check in on the site here to see how you’re doing.
This is just a starting point – if we get more ideas in the future we’ll add some more options. Basically if it’s something which helps promote the academy, or represents some kind of contribution to helping your fellow students then you’ll be able to earn points for it, and what do points mean? PRIZES!
Over our xmas / new year we’re going to have a little competition for super-simple digital referrals, we’ll give you a simple link to send your friends via text/email which will send them to a special VIP page on the site with a welcome video from me and a form to fill in their details. These will be your first opportunity to earn points – with the added bonus that whoever has the most points by the time we resume training in January will win a prize (which, if we get enough referrals, could be pretty cool!)