Grading Info December 2021
Sunday 19th December
Grading Times – Sunday 19th December
- 10am Junior Beginners
- 11am Junior Experienced
- 12pm lunch break (hall available to adults)
- 12:30 pm All Adults / Black Belt reviews
Grading Results will be published on the website by 7pm on Monday 20th
Graduation – Thursday 23rd December
Very happy to say that for the first time since Covid hit we’ll be able to hold a proper graduation event!
This will be at the Chantry Centre in Dursley, Thursday 30th September,doors open 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start.
This is an important event for the WHOLE SCHOOL and all student should be in proper uniform – regardless of whether they graded or not.
As always, this is an open event, you’re welcome to invite the whole family and bring a camera. It’s been a long wait for this one, let’s make it a proper celebration!
Questions about gradings….
We often get a few questions about gradings, so can I please remind everyone that there’s a LOT of information on the Academy website, and in your beginners handbooks.
A reminder of those links again:
That’s all for now folks.
Remember it’s pre-grading week this week and your classes form part of your grading assessment so 100% effort from the moment you walk in the door please!